Thursday, January 11, 2018

Welcome to Bold City Beam Robotics

Welcome to my new beam robotics blog. I will be showcasing the robots I have built and ones that I build in the future. BEAM Robotics certainly has fallen into obscurity as a hobby in the last ten years, but I find it fun, and it keeps my mind occupied.

I am currently doing my work at my computer desk, which feels very cramped at times. Although I find the ability to look up circuit diagrams or reference data sheets very helpful. Eventually I will find a better work station where I can conveniently store all my components. But this will have to do for now.


  1. Cool seeing new beam bots in this day and age, let alone such nice ones. Very nice work!

  2. I second Geppetto's comment! I've been wanting to mess around with BEAM for years and now I'm just getting into it myself. I'm glad to see this blog.


Carbot Lite

Carbot Lite was built on commission with the idea of being a smaller carbot than my other versions. This version has only two suction cu...